Porous materials are widely used in energy, environment and other national strategic fields, which play an important role in the development of national economy, the development of new porous materials is of great significance. Our laboratory specia-lizes in 3D COF (a unique class of crystalline porous materials that allow the precise integration of organic molecular building blocks into 3D networks through covalent bonds), including design and synthesis, as well as exploring the applications of 3D COF in the fields of adsorption and separation, optoelectronics, catalysis, and energy storage, and beyond.

  • Group News
  • November 11, 2024  Our Group headed to Donghu Time Tunnel in Wuhan for a team-building activity, where we had a barbecue and had a great time playing around.
  • June, 2024  Ying Yin , Weixu Li , Libang Xiao graduated from Wuhan University. Wish them great success in next period!
  • March 24~25, 2024  Prof. Mingliang Tong, Prof. Yong Cui, Prof. Wei Wang paid a visit to Wuhan University and gave us speeches.
  • November, 2023  Yuanpeng Cheng, won the National Scholarship! Xuejiao Wang, won the Bluemoon Scholarship! Congratulations!

Address: College of Chemistry and Molecular Science, Wuhan University, W

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Last update: 2024-11-08.